In part 1 of this mind blowing  discussion, we actually saw the power of encouragement been displayed by David, the man after God’s heart.

The question is”are you been discouraged and confused in life journey? You need to look at what David did, in order to take away the discouragement staring  at you day after day .

Let’s look at it critically in 1 Samuel 30:6 ” And David encouraged himself in the Lord his God”. That’s why the bible tells us that “Pleasant words are…health to the bones”PROVERBS 16:24 NKJV.

Goethe said: “Treat a man as he appears to be, and you make ghose. But treat a man as if he already were what he potentially could be, and you make him what he should be. One day a principal called in three teachers and said, “You three are the finest in the system, so we’re giving you ninety high-IQ students to see what you can do with them.” Those students achieved 30 percent more than the other students in the school. At the end of the year the principal called the three teachers in and said, “I’ve a confession to make. You didn’t have ninety of the most promising students; they were run of the mill.

We picked them at random and gave them to you.” The teachers naturally concluded that their exceptional teaching skills must have been responsible for the students’ great progress. “I’ve another confession,” said the principal. “You’re not the brightest teachers; your names were the first three drawn out of the hat.” So, why did those students and teachers perform at such a level? Because they were encouraged to believe they could! Baseball star Reggie Jackson said, “I’ll tell you what makes a great manager; a great manager has a knack for making ball-players think they are better than they are.

He forces you to have a good opinion of yourself. He lets you know he believes in you. He makes you get more out of yourself. And once you learn how good you really are, you’ll never settle for playing anything less than your very best.” Today, go out and encourage somebody out there, but before you do that, yu need to encouragge yurself first, because there’s a common saying, that you can not give what you have!. So i challenge you to step out of the that your comfort zion in faith to face, the new reality and i want to assure you that God is always there to meet you at your exact point of need. May the bless you and grant you good success as you step out in faith.

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