The Life Style Of Moses (Part 1)

We are looking at the following  Scriptural References Exodus 2:1-10, Exodus 3:1-15 & Exodus 7:1-25 in order to study the account of the early life style of Moses the servant of God.

In chapter 2 of Exodus, the baby in this story is Moses. Moses’ father and mother were named Amram and Jochebed. Moses brother and sister were Aaron and Miriam. Moses mother knew how wrong it could be to allow her prodigious child to be destroyed. She had to take a step of faith not minding the consequences involve to change Pharaoh’s new law. God used her faith and courageous act to place Moses in the house of Pharaoh. Brethren have you been surrounded by enemies or faced with evil like Moses? Then you need to stir up your faith in Christ and pray to God to grant you grace to act against such evil no matter what it may cause you or how strong the evil may be. Heb.11:23-27

“By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king’s commandment. By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter; Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward. By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible”

Moses was brought up in Pharaoh’s house. The Magicians of Pharaoh (Jannes and Jambres) were his teachers. He was well schooled in all of the Sorcery, Astrology and Science of Egypt and he was a brilliant student, in other words he had been equipped with all that was necessary to make him a LOSER in the things of God. Satan thought he had won, what he did not reckon with was that, Moses had a godly Mother and the Mother taught him about God) thank God for godly praying Mothers). So like each of us, Moses had two teachings, each was equally strong, so he could either excel in Pharaoh’s army and become a great general of Pharaoh and eventually become a Pharaoh himself or he could excel in the things of God; he was brought to a cross road, where he would be required to give up one path or destiny.

As Moses grew and looked around and saw the distress of Israel, his heart went after Israel and one day. He saw a man beating an Israelite, he could not stand it anymore and Moses made his choice. Moses killed the Egyptian and had to flee for his life and was led to his burning bush experience. (Like everyone us, there is a time in our lives when we will come to our own burning bush experience).

Moses was probably thinking how his life had come down to nothing, how he had messed up man opportunity to be one of the greatest Pharaoh’s of all time, he must, I believe, have been lamenting how he found himself in the back side of this wilderness, these 40 years, and right on queue he saw “the burning bush”.

The sign of a burning bush experience is that, it is an experience that is against every natural law; he did not run off in fear, but rather drew near, and God identified in the man Moses, the type of man, He knew he could use; so God spoke to him, “take off your shoes”. And there God gave him instructions as to what to do. (however, as at that time Moses was a child to the things of the supernatural).

God told him to throw down his staff (a dry stick) it turned to a serpent, he picked the serpent up as instructed and it turned back to his staff once more. God began to train Moses for a particular task. Moses travelled back to Pharaoh (remember by the laws of Egypt Moses was a murderer and should have been killed if caught). Moses went back, stood before Pharaoh, (Pharaoh could not touch him). Pharaoh taught he was going to have fun. Pharaoh was able to get his magicians (Jannes and Jambres) to match Moses in the matter of the rod turning into serpent, in fact they thought Moses, was a magician just like them. They did not realise that Moses was returning in the supernatural power of God, even as the scripture said:

Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about him spread through the whole countryside Luke 4:14

 But we know that Moses’ rod swallowed up their rods. Moses rod overcame their rods and still remained the same size, it was one and one and one still made one. The exercise was contrary to natural law. They had no answer to that one; Pharaoh’s magicians were surprised to see Moses that was trained by them acting above their own power. Brothers and sisters, as we follow God’s instruction daily no power of the enemy will be able to stand before us as we step out to do the will of God.  May the LORD grant us help at this time.Shalom!

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