Finding your strength zone, is an interesting discussion that will stir up your mind and boost your confidence in whatever you set your heart to do. Remember God alone decides which gift each person should have.1 CORINTHIANS 12:11 NLT says “It is the one and only Spirit who distributes all these gifts. He alone decides which gift each person should have” We all have equal value in God’s eyes, but we don’t have equal gift. In a book titled “Now, Discover Your Strengths”written by Donald O. Clifton and Marcus Buckingham.
They state that “every person is capable of doing something better than the next 10,000 people”. And they support that with research. They call this area your strength zone, and they encourage you to find it and make the most of it. It doesn’t matter how aware you are of your abilities, how you feel about yourself, or whether you have previously achieved success. You have talent, and God requires you to develop it! But you can only develop the talent you have, not the one you want. When it comes to your character, you must never stop working on your areas of weakness.
But when it comes to fulfilling your God-given assignment, you
must recognize your strength zone and give yourself to it. Dr.
John Maxwell writes: “It’s been my observation that people
can increase their ability in an area by only two points on a
scale of 1-10. For example, if your natural talent in an area is
4, with hard work you may raise it to a 6. In other words, you can go from a little below average to a little above average. But let’s say you find a place where you are a 7; you have the potential to become a 9, maybe even a 10, if it’s your strength zone and you work hard! That helps you advance from 1 in 10,000 talent to 1 in 100,000 talent-but only if you do the other things needed to maximize your talent.” So, find your strength zone and develop it daily and God will add increase to it!. See you all at the top, because the bottom is already occupied. Shalom