Hello, my good people of God. Today we will be looking at the beautiful topic before us: BREAKING HABITS THROUGH PRAYER.
This is what God says in Jeremiah 1:12 concerning you:
I am watching over My word to perform it.JEREMIAH 1:12 NAS
Are you struggling with a habit so stubborn that it has a life of its own? A mind that thinks for you, a voice that speaks to you, a power that keeps pulling you down? Nothing brings victory like “praying the Word,” for God says, “I am watching over My word to perform it.” So begin each day by praying:
“Lord, Your Word says that if I call on You, You will answer me; You will be with me in trouble, You will honor me and You will deliver me (See Ps 91:15). You said that through the power of Your indwelling Spirit I would be set free from this vicious cycle of temptation, sin and failure (See Rom 8:2). You said if I fully commit my life to You, I’d have the strength to stand up against the Devil and he would flee from me (See Jas 4:7). You said You have given me the power to pull down all my old mental strongholds and take control of every wayward thought, imagination, and impulse (See 2Co 10:5). You said tha by reading Your Word each day and meditating on it, I would become a partaker of Your divine nature, and overcome the de structive tendencies of my flesh (See 2Pe 1:4). You said I’d be strengthened in my mind, my emotions and my will; that my self-worth would be based solely on Your love for me; and that You would do exceedingly abundantly above all I could ask or think-because You are at work in me (See Eph 3:14-21). Today 1 thank You for helping me to overcome this habit. In Christ’s name, amen.”
Keep praying daily to God and he will come and safe you. Amen.